In order to display any data, you first need to select a data source in the Data and Visualization Settings view. Depending on the data source there may be multiple data sets to choose from.
Some data can be used in simulations, which can be chosen in the Epidemic Simulations box.
The third option to choose is the visualization to use. For the VisFramework you can also select which views you want to have enabled initially.
The buttons on the left can be used to show or hide views.
Current filters can be reset with the neighboring filter buttons: all , time , regions .
Community detection can be enabled and disabled with the community button .
In order to switch to a layout optimized for a specific device type, click one of the device buttons .
Fullscreen mode can be toggled with the fullscreen button .
The help button opens this popup.
Views can be reordered by dragging their title bars.
Some views can be re-scaled or maximized using
some offer interactive features through buttons in their title bar or settings panel
Hovering over a view's title shows its info text containing information about the view and its usage.
VIS, University of Stuttgart & DFKI Saarbrücken